Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation
About the Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation
The University of Delaware Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation (CEETP) provides support services for students and faculty across 28 undergraduate and graduate education programs in the university and partners with schools and districts throughout the region.
Housed within the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD), CEETP brings expertise in teacher education and a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion to all of its university services and educational initiatives, such as CEHD’s Teachers of Tomorrow pipeline program and teacher residency programs.
- The Office of Certification and Accreditation provides current information about educator certification requirements for students and faculty and compiles information required to ensure the continued state approval and national accreditation of all educator preparation programs.
- The Office of Clinical Studies works with faculty and school districts to secure valuable early field experience placements and student teaching placements for teacher candidates. The office also ensures that candidates have completed their clearances to enter the field
- The Alternative Routes to Certification program allows qualified individuals to complete certification requirements while they are employed as full-time teachers, though a state-approved program.
The Delaware Department of Education has confirmed that teacher candidates whose placement length has been adjusted in response to conditions relating to coronavirus/COVID-19 will be eligible for institutional recommendation for certification if they have satisfied all other requirements. Click here for more information.

The high quality teacher preparation programs at the University of Delaware prepare candidates to become effective teachers in diverse settings.

The undergraduate educator preparation programs at the University of Delaware are located in six of the seven colleges across campus.

If you have a bachelor’s degree and are interested in pursuing a graduate degree in the field of education, UD offers a wide range of programs.
The preparation of professional education candidates at the University of Delaware is a university-wide commitment. CEETP provides support services to professional education candidates, faculty, and staff in educator preparation programs at the University of Delaware.